Thursday 30 April 2015

Amazing and Fantastic tales

Amazing & Fantastic Tales 5, featuring work by Jim Alexander and Jon Haward (whose 'Sideburns' strip appears in 100% Biodegradable 4), along with many other fine creators, is on sale now. 

This is the final issue, bringing to a close their regular series ‘Kroom’ and Wild West mash-up, ‘The Last Posse’.  Rounding things off is the self-contained comic strip ‘Facts of Life’, which shows what happen to a young man taught the facts of life using goldfish! 

They're selling issue 5 for £3 including p&p.  Buy all 5 issues for £13 including p&p.  If you're interested, drop them a line at this e-mail address and they'll invoice you via paypal:

Also, if you're in the Glasgow area, the official launch will be held in conjunction with the Scotland Cartoonists club, which meets up at the pub called Drury Street, located on Drury Street, Glasgow.  Join them on Thursday 7th May from 6.30pm onwards.  All five issues of Amazing & Fantastic Tales will be on sale.

You can read a review on Down The Tubes here:

A second Sideburns strip will be appearing in 100% Biodegradable soon, so keep your eyes peeled for it!

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